Brawler & Cleric

Brawler ClericHere’s the first look at color for the heroes in World Boss with the half-orc Brawler and the human Cleric. The Brawler is a risk/reward style fighter who can wield two-hand weapons in one hand, while the Cleric is a melee fighter who doubles as a healer. Both of these heroes were super fun to test, and work out well together, with the Brawler turning into a whirlwind of DPS and the Cleric keeping those pesky Skull symbols at bay for the benefit of the whole party.

Announcement on the next test at Game Haven is coming soonish. Stay tuned!

New Rules, Cool Project and Stuff!

First, I have tweaked with the rules today. The last test was a little rough when it came to the way Adds stack, so I have cleaned those up and added to the Rules & Overview page quite a bit. Check those out for updates on rules-things. Second, I have been collaborating with an artist. Her own project is on Kickstarter now, and is doing pretty well. If you like dragons and playing cards, this is definitely for you. Check it out here:

If things go well, one of Stephanie’s creations may well make it into the final print of World Boss, and from what I’ve seen so far, I am already a fan of her work. Fingers crossed! Stay tuned for updates and new art things coming this week. 🙂

World Boss is IN COLOR!

GoblinThat’s right, folks! We now have our first look at a colored art thing! I’ve been inking all the sketches that have been uploaded here for the better part of a week, and today I finished my first color job. A bit simple, but it shows that there is progress! I will keep working at this until everything that needs art in World Boss has color. 😀


As always, thanks for reading and be sure to follow for updates, which will be coming much more often now that I know I can do this stuff!