
Well, folks, there has been a huge void on postings on World Boss, and for good reason. I have recently got married. For the last month or so, I have had zero creative energy, and didn’t want to spoil the game by working on it without feeling positive or creative.

I’m feeling better, but this is a lousy time of year to be starting stuff. That means that I probably won’t make any significant updates to World Boss until the new year. In small stuff, I’m once again searching for an artist. The bigger World Boss becomes, the less I trust my own art on it. I’m happiest with the minions, but the player and boss characters, I’m just feeling less and less. So the position is open. Contact me at if you are interested. Thanks again, and happy gaming!


A bunch of stuff has happened since my last update, and I’m sorry for all the dead air between then and now. As promised, I will have more art and news concerning World Boss and the Goblins deck of playing cards in the next couple of weeks, including the next test of World Boss.

Thanks for following.

Cleaning up

Over the next few days, I will be cleaning up all the old art from the blog for World Boss. These sketches have all been either completely redone, or simply touched up and reimagined and a few have even been fully colored. I will upload the new colored art as it is completed, so look forward to that. Also, I may change the theme of the blog to something a little more colorful. We’ll see if something fits the logo better.

Thanks to everyone who follows and keeps up with World Boss. All this progress wouldn’t be possible without your support and feedback.

World Boss is IN COLOR!

GoblinThat’s right, folks! We now have our first look at a colored art thing! I’ve been inking all the sketches that have been uploaded here for the better part of a week, and today I finished my first color job. A bit simple, but it shows that there is progress! I will keep working at this until everything that needs art in World Boss has color. 😀


As always, thanks for reading and be sure to follow for updates, which will be coming much more often now that I know I can do this stuff!

Testing delayed: A good thing, I assure you!

Taking the rest of this week to add some polish to the materials I’m using for testing. What this means is next time I show up for testing at Game Haven, there will be ACTUAL SYMBOLS ON THE DICE! That’s right, the community dice will have symbols on them. If all goes well, I will also have character cards printed up, updated quests and items printed up and a rules reference. So in short, for those of you who were looking forward to testing in the next few days, I apologize, but my next testing session will be much cleaner than the last couple have been.

Thanks for following and stay tuned for more art and updates in the coming days.

Meet the Heroes: CLERIC!

Cleric2A warrior of God, the Cleric can use the power of faith to heal his companions and smite his enemies with equal ease. His giant hammer is a task to wield, granting salvation in one form or another to all he meets.

Like all healers, the Cleric’s class die has a Heal space that can restore HP to himself or other players without using an ability, and he has a cheap and efficient ability that can heal the entire party, a bonus if there are four or more players.

New Heroes

RangerWith the most recent testing of World Boss, I felt that something was missing, so I have been hard at work creating new heroes, to flesh out the gaps that exist in primary and secondary symbols: The Paladin, the Ranger and the Druid. In total, this will give World Boss 13 heroes to choose from, 12 for each possible primary and secondary symbol combination and the Necromancer, who uses Skulls as a primary symbol.

The rules page is constantly getting tweaked as well, as more items and quests are being designed. Be sure to follow for updates. I will be testing the new heroes, items and quests at Game Haven in Washington, Utah, possibly as early as next week.