Slow Progress

Creatively speaking it has been a pretty lousy week. I have been working on some concepts that probably won’t make it into the final game, designed a couple of new bosses and colored one of my sketches. Unfortunately with real life being as it is the next couple of months world boss won’t be a priority project but I assure you it isn’t going anywhere.

Thanks for the patience and for following. More updates to come next week. 

New Rules, Cool Project and Stuff!

First, I have tweaked with the rules today. The last test was a little rough when it came to the way Adds stack, so I have cleaned those up and added to the Rules & Overview page quite a bit. Check those out for updates on rules-things. Second, I have been collaborating with an artist. Her own project is on Kickstarter now, and is doing pretty well. If you like dragons and playing cards, this is definitely for you. Check it out here:Ā

If things go well, one of Stephanie’s creations may well make it into the final print of World Boss, and from what I’ve seen so far, I am already a fan of her work. Fingers crossed! Stay tuned for updates and new art things coming this week. šŸ™‚

Hero & Boss Tweaks

I’ve been inking art things for most of the morning, trying to make the hero and boss cards turn out better. There were a few that didn’t need this, but most of them did. The Paladin in particular was horrendous. This will also make coloring all of them much easier.

Now comes the process of tweaking the heroes. The ones that were played in the most recent test were fairly balanced, but there were issues during playtesting that bogged down the game and made it unnesecarily complex. The group that tested it gave me some excellent ideas, however, and made suggestions that should both make underpowered heroes more in-line with the rest of the group and hopefully make the whole experience more enjoyable.

Thanks for testing, following and liking World Boss. More art and updates and pics to follow.

Dice and Cards, mostly ready

For this Saturday’s testing session, not only do we have actual community dice FINISHED (pics coming later), but character cards, boss cards and updated quest and item cards as well. The dice and character cards were printed and the detail on some of them came out fantastic. Others…. not so much, but it’s fixable, when I can get time to do it.

Remember, I’ll be at Game Haven in Washington, Utah and the games will start sometime between 5:30 and 6 pm.

Break from Testing

LootThis is a busy week for me personally, so there will be no testing of World Boss this week. However, I will be working on some new heroes to take the stage, and hopefully a new boss or two before the next time I hit up Game Haven.

Thanks for keeping track of the game, and remember to follow for updates.

Dice Symbols

If you’ve glanced over at the Rules & Overview section, you may have noticed something about symbols on the dice. In case you were curious, here’sĀ an idea of what they’ll look like on the final product!
AnkhThe Ankh is a representation of a character’s faith and mysticism. The Cleric uses this as a primary attribute.


The Book is a representation of a character’s intelligence, good judgment and general knowledge. The Sorceress and Summoner useĀ this as a primary attribute.

FistThe Fist is a representation of a character’s brute strength or endurance. The Brawler, Tank and Monk use this as a primary attribute.

WrenchThe Wrench represents technical skill, adaptability and ingenuity. The Gunsmith, Medic and Spearmaiden use this as a primary attribute.


The Skull represents death, pain and mortality. This symbol will cause damage to all characters except the Necromancer.

Game Haven Testing!

World Boss was played in a small group at Game Haven Monday night. A group of six adventurers couldn’t quite keep up with the relentless minions of the faceless Minotaur, but the Summoner and Sorceress proved to be a deadly combination against the Goblin Warlord, who was unable to keep his front line from becoming a threat thanks to support from the Cleric, Tank and Spearmaiden.


There is a long way to go for World Boss, but last night’s test proved that the game is in much better shape than I had originally thought. Some of the loot showed their age, having been written for rules that don’t exist anymore, and the Summoner still needs some tweaks, but the group that tested last night absolutely rocked it. Thanks, guys!

World Boss is NOW TESTING!

World Boss has officially begun testing. The primary testing grounds will be at Game Haven in Washington, Utah, so if you’d like to see it in action or get a taste of the game firsthand, drop in and find a table. I won’t do this on nights when there are events or tournaments, so don’t worry, your Friday Night Magic is safe.