Life and Stuff and Things

I hate going so long without updating people, so here goes. World Boss progress is on the back burner, most likely until mid-late October. My life is so chaotic and stressed right now that there isn’t any free time to work on it, other than extremely minor tweaks which end up changing from day to day, so I’ve decided to shelf it for now. The side project I mentioned in my last post is simpler, but no less fun, at least for me.

My goal was to create a traditional deck of playing cards using the Goblins from World Boss. By “traditional”, I mean that the goblins in the court will mimic the queens, kings and jacks that we all expect from a standard deck of cards. For example, pictured here is the King of Hearts, or the “Suicide King”. This side project will allow me to get some art done while letting my brain relax a little so I can come back to World Boss with a fresh perspective. More updates on this later. Til then, play some games. 🙂